

Effects of hypercholesterolemia on neurological disorders associated with the integrity of hypocampus. [Portuguese]

Almeida, E. M. de and Ferreira, H. J. and Souza, C. M. de

Ciencia Animal (2018) 28: 71–81

Link: http://www.uece.br/cienciaanimal/dmdocuments/v28p71-81.pdf


Cholesterol is a lipophilic component essential for the body due to its diverse functionalities, such as participation in vitamin D synthesis, metabolism of steroids and sex hormones, help in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, besides participating in the maintenance of the fluidity and permeability of plasma membrane. This function is extremely important to regularize the action potential and the consequent synaptic plasticity. However, high cholesterol levels due to a hyperlipidemic diet or genetic dysfunction are related to various cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies, such as diabetes. In addition, elevated cholesterol levels participate in the pathophysiology of neuropathies, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson. Considering that some neuropathies have hippocampal alterations as one of the events, this study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between hypercholesterolemia, hippocampus and the pathophysiology of neurological disorders through a review of the literature using preclinical studies. During the month of February 2018, we searched the databases Pubmed and Lilacs, using "hypercholesterolemia" and "hippocampus". Inclusion criteria: Preclinical studies published between 2013 and 2017 were selected. Exclusion criteria: review articles, articles that did not correlate hypercholesterolemia with neurological disorders and hippocampus. Increased serum cholesterol was associated with biochemical changes, especially oxidative stress, inflammation and metabolism of the amyloid protein, as well as neurodegenerative processes at the hippocampus level. In addition, drugs that modulate serum cholesterol levels have also been found to influence cognition and hippocampal integrity. Preclinical studies indicate that the hippocampus was susceptible to hypercholesterolemia. Therefore, hypercholesterolemia may contribute to neurological disorders with hippocampal disorders.


Almeida, E. M. de, Ferreira, H. J., & Souza, C. M. de. (2018). Effects of hypercholesterolemia on neurological disorders associated with the integrity of hypocampus. [Portuguese]. Ciencia Animal, 28(1), 71–81. http://www.uece.br/cienciaanimal/dmdocuments/v28p71-81.pdf inflammation, Animal Physiology and Biochemistry (Excluding Nutrition) [LL600], reviews, Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries of Animals [LL860], physiopathology, cholesterol, diabetes, hippocampus, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, hypercholesterolemia, nervous system diseases, neuropathy, vitamin D, hyperlipaemia, hyperlipemia, amyloid, animal pathology, cell membrane, cholesterol metabolism disorders, fat soluble vitamins, hypercholesterinemia, hypercholesterolaemia, pathophysiology, plasma membranes, plasmalemma, sex hormones, steroid hormones
