

The effects of dietary saponins on ruminal methane production and fermentation parameters in sheep: a meta analysis

Darabighane, B. and Mahdavi, A. and Aghjehgheshlagh, F. M. and Navidshad, B. and Yousefi, M. H. and Lee, M. R. F.

Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science (2021) 11: 15–21

Link: http://ijas.iaurasht.ac.ir/article_680280_1dd351cc944fdd19727d7e4ee5de7d3d.pdf


Ruminants production systems are facing a critical period within global agriculture due to their unique digestive system which, whilst allowing them to utilize low-quality fiber-rich feed, produces the potent greenhouse gas methane (CH_\textrm4) as a by-product. It has been proposed that saponin-rich plants can be used to reduce CH_\textrm4 emissions from ruminant livestock, although the reported results are variable in terms of efficacy. Here we use meta-analytical methods to investigate the literature to determine if saponins can con-tribute to reducing CH_\textrm4 production and its further effects on other rumen fermentation parameters in sheep. Following defined search terms available papers on the subject were collected for the period 1990 to 2019 and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, an analysis was conducted on CH_\textrm4 production, CH_\textrm4 per dry matter intake (DMI), ruminal pH, total volatile fatty acid (VFA), acetate, propionate, butyrate, and acetate-to-propionate ratio based on a comparison between a saponin supplemented group and a control group. The standardized effect size (Hedges’ g) was calculated at the confidence interval of 95%. Q-test and I^\textrm2 statistic were used to determine heterogeneity and publication bias was identified through the Egger test. The meta-analysis determined that using saponin sources tended to decrease CH_\textrm4 production (P=0.062) and acetate-to-propionate ratio (P=0.057), with a reduction in CH_\textrm4/DMI (P=0.001) and an increase in propionate concentration (P=0.011). No significant difference was observed in ruminal pH, total VFA concentration, and butyrate concentration. The I^\textrm2 statistic for the parameters analyzed here was below 50% for heterogeneity with the Egger test results indicating a publication bias for CH_\textrm4 production.


Darabighane, B., Mahdavi, A., Aghjehgheshlagh, F. M., Navidshad, B., Yousefi, M. H., & Lee, M. R. F. (2021). The effects of dietary saponins on ruminal methane production and fermentation parameters in sheep: a meta analysis. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 11(1), 15–21. http://ijas.iaurasht.ac.ir/article_680280_1dd351cc944fdd19727d7e4ee5de7d3d.pdf meta-analysis, ruminants, effects, Animal Nutrition (Physiology) [LL510], diets, Mathematics and Statistics [ZZ100], rumen, data analysis, plants, chemical composition, dry matter, fatty acids, fermentation, rumen fermentation, volatile fatty acids, sheep, sheep feeding, feed additives, methane production, plant composition, plant extracts, pH, methane, microorganisms, air pollution, greenhouse gases, saponins, alimentary tract, digestive system, gastrointestinal system, Feed Additives [RR130], Pollution and Degradation [PP600], Animal Wastes [XX100], chemical constituents of plants, Horticultural Crops [FF003], Plant Composition [FF040], hydrogen ion concentration, microbial flora, microflora, potential of hydrogen, atmospheric pollution, micro-organisms, air pollutants, butyrates, digestion in rumen, rumen digestion, rumen flora, rumen micro-organisms, rumen microorganisms
