

Maintenance energy requirement and efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy for milk production of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred tropical dairy cows: a meta-analysis

Kelly, L. and Bougouin, A. and Kebreab, E.

Animal Production Science (2021) 61: 1338–1347

DOI: 10.1071/AN20470


Context: Dairy consumption has the ability to provide nutrient dense food in low-income countries. However, cows in the tropics may not be able to reach their full potential due to poor nutrition. In tropical regions, milk is mostly produced by Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred cattle for which no nutrient requirement tables have been fully developed. Although many novel feeds and feed additives have been tested, nutrient requirements specifically targeting energy and protein for these livestock need to be estimated accurately for milk production to increase sustainably. Aims: To determine the net energy for lactation (NE_\textrmL) requirement for maintenance and efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy intake (MEI) for milk production (k_\textrmL) of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred dairy cows in the tropics.


Kelly, L., Bougouin, A., & Kebreab, E. (2021). Maintenance energy requirement and efficiency of utilisation of metabolisable energy for milk production of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred tropical dairy cows: a meta-analysis. Animal Production Science, 61(13), 1338–1347. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20470 Bovidae, cattle, cows, dairy cattle, dairy cows, meta-analysis, zebu, Animal Nutrition (General) [LL500], Dairy Animals [LL110], diets, lactation, Mathematics and Statistics [ZZ100], milk, milk production, Agricultural Economics [EE110], feed additives, energy requirements, crosses, tropics, nutrient requirements, sustainability, crossbreds, energy, Meteorology and Climate [PP500], Feed Additives [RR130], metabolizable energy, dietary standards, food requirements, nutritional requirements, tropical countries, tropical zones, energy balance, efficiency, energy intake, maintenance, nutrition physiology, tropical climate
