

A meta-analysis on the relationship between goose age and egg weight

Liu, G. and Zhao, X. and Chen, Z. and Guo, Z.

Journal of Applied Poultry Research (2021) 30:

DOI: 10.1016/j.japr.2021.100170


Although many studies have attempted to determine the effect of goose age on egg weight, the relationship remains unclear. We conducted a meta-analysis of the relevant literature in an attempt to provide clarity on this question. We found that goose egg weight changes with age and that he greatest amount of yolk is produced following the second laying season, after which laying performance tends to decline. However, there was considerable heterogeneity among research study results that appears to be caused by ad libitum feed consumption. Interestingly, there have been no studies on the correlation between goose yolk weight and uterine secretions. These parameters change with age and can be easily evaluated through measurements of goose egg component weight in different laying seasons. Following the meta-analysis, we hypothesize that estrogen is a key factor in determining egg weight. Our findings suggest that poultry farms can adjust feed formulations and the duration of light exposure as geese age to optimize egg production. Estrogen concentrations may also be adjusted through diet supplementation as geese age to increase their productive lifespans.


Liu, G., Zhao, X., Chen, Z., & Guo, Z. (2021). A meta-analysis on the relationship between goose age and egg weight. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 30(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2021.100170 meta-analysis, Animal Nutrition (Production Responses) [LL520], Food Composition and Quality [QQ500], body weight, domesticated birds, poultry, poultry farming, Egg Producing Animals [LL130], egg weight, Eggs and Egg Products [QQ040], feed intake, feed additives, feed supplements, livestock farming, egg production, eggs, Feed Additives [RR130], age, feed formulation, geese
