

Effects of phytoestrogens on the reproductive physiology of productive species. review

Morales Ramirez, M. and Vargas Estrada, D. and Juarez Rodriguez, I. and Perez-Rivero, J. J. and Sierra Resendiz, A. and Flores Gonzalez, H. F. and Cerbon Gutierrez, J. L. and Pena-Corona, S. I.

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias (2022) 13: 803–829

DOI: 10.22319/rmcp.v13i3.5878


Phytoestrogens (PEs) are chemical compounds from the secondary metabolism of some plants, they have a potential effect on the reproductive parameters of domestic animals, acting as agonists or antagonists of estrogen receptors. The objective of this review is to know the effects produced by a diet rich in PEs on the reproductive physiology of slaughter animals. A systematic review was carried out in two databases using keywords related to the effects produced by the intake of PEs in the diet on the reproduction of animals for slaughter, only controlled studies developed in vivo were considered. Contradictory results were found, on the one hand, the intake of a high content of polyphenolic compounds from different fodders, in the bovine female, was related to the decrease in fertility, presence of abortions and ovarian cysts; on the other hand, the intake of the high content of PEs induced an increase in the semen quality of the males of the species: cattle, sheep and leporids, so these effects can be attributed to the concentration, the type of PEs, sex, species and even the breed of the animal.


Morales Ramirez, M., Vargas Estrada, D., Juarez Rodriguez, I., Perez-Rivero, J. J., Sierra Resendiz, A., Flores Gonzalez, H. F., Cerbon Gutierrez, J. L., & Pena-Corona, S. I. (2022). Effects of phytoestrogens on the reproductive physiology of productive species. review. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 13(3), 803–829. https://doi.org/10.22319/rmcp.v13i3.5878 reproductive performance, diets, reproduction, semen, semen characters, breed differences, phytochemicals, bulls, sex differences, slaughter, plant oestrogens, Phytoestrogens, rams
