

Ozone and its derivatives in veterinary medicine: a careful appraisal

Orlandin, J. R. and Machado, L. C. and Ambrosio, C. E. and Travagli, V.

Veterinary and Animal Science (2021) 13:

DOI: 10.1016/j.vas.2021.100191


The therapeutic use of ozone and its derivatives in the veterinary medicine it is still in an emergent stage. Gaseous ozone chemical instability makes necessary its extemporaneous preparation and the accordance about ozone treatments with the highest quality standards in publications is of paramount importance. Moreover, the numerous method of administration in different animal species, the prevalence of case reports, the deficiency of consistent evaluation of the outcomes, as well as the lack of standardization of the treatment operating procedures represents an open question for its spreading and official approval. The keywords "ozone", "ozonated", "ozonation" "ozonized", "ozonization", "oxygen-ozone therapy", "veterinary", "pets", "animal" were used to perform a literature review using PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar, Zotero databases with the temporal restriction for published manuscripts starting from 2010. All the researches were critically evaluated, regardless of the impact factor, if any, of the journals in which they were presented. The deepening of the mechanisms of action of this bio-oxidative therapy can open new horizons on its use. The distinctive condition to achieve such a scenario is an improved knowledge of the qualitative/quantitative characteristics of ozone and its derivatives. All with the aim of taking nothing away to the cited original research papers, but of improving the promising therapeutic implications of ozone therapy in veterinary medicine as a standardization stimulus about this therapeutic resource with multiple application specificities.


Orlandin, J. R., Machado, L. C., Ambrosio, C. E., & Travagli, V. (2021). Ozone and its derivatives in veterinary medicine: a careful appraisal. Veterinary and Animal Science, 13(97). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vas.2021.100191 reviews, effects, methodology, methods, techniques, therapeutics, therapy, veterinary medicine, Animal Surgery and Non-drug Therapy [LL884], pet animals, pets, Pets and Companion Animals [LL070], literature reviews, publications, domestic animals, databases, standards, data banks, standardization, incidence, oxygen, quality standards, ozone
