

Should menisci be inspected and treated in conjunction with surgical treatment of cruciate ligament injury to prevent late meniscus injuries? [Danish]

Weis, P.

Dansk Veterinaertidsskrift (2019) 102: 24–28

Link: https://www.ddd.dk/nyheder-og-presse/dansk-veterinaertidsskrift/dvt-artikelarkiv/


Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the evidence for and recommendation for inspecting and treating primary meniscal lesion to prevent or reduce late meniscal injury. Study Design: Systematic literature review. Materials and Methods: Research question: Have dogs inspected and treated for meniscal injury at the time of cranial cruciate ligament surgery less risk of lameness related to late meniscal injuries compared to dogs which have not been inspected and treated? An electronic database search was performed, and data where extracted for surgery numbers, surgery methods for ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, inspection of menisci and numbers with primary meniscal lesions, numbers with late meniscal injury, and methods for diagnosing late meniscal injury. A critical appraisal of studies which met the inclusion criteria was performed, and if eligible, they were included in the systematic review and given a score for level of evidence.


Weis, P. (2019). Should menisci be inspected and treated in conjunction with surgical treatment of cruciate ligament injury to prevent late meniscus injuries? [Danish]. Dansk Veterinaertidsskrift, 102(2), 24–28. https://www.ddd.dk/nyheder-og-presse/dansk-veterinaertidsskrift/dvt-artikelarkiv/ dogs, man, systematic reviews, Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries of Animals [LL860], Pets and Companion Animals [LL070], research, studies, lameness, lesions, literature reviews, risk factors, databases, surgery, trauma, data banks, Non-communicable Human Diseases and Injuries [VV600], traumas
